
CYCLOPES Dissemination event 2024

Published: 2024-04-16

Thank you CYCLOPES for inviting us to the event in Vienna 🇦🇹 🤝 EACTDA appreciates the opportunity to participate and be able to share about the Tools4LEAs project ℹ️ and show some of the tools developed for LEA.

Happy to share the opportunity to meet and collaborate with DG-HOME, Polish Platform for Homeland Security(PPHS), Europol, European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL), European Research Executive Agency (REA), Ianus Consulting

And learn about the projects Anti-FinTer, ENACT, POLIIICE, UnderServed, FORMOBILE Project, NOTIONES Project, EU-HYBNET and CYBERSPACE Project

CERIS annual event 2022 - Fighting Crime and Terrorism/Resilient Infrastructure

Published: 2022-09-30

EACTDA and its members was honoured to participate at the CERIS FCT and Resilient Infrastructure annual event that took place in Brussels on the 27th and 28th of September, 2022.
The President of the Board, Mr Seán Gaines participated in the panel on "IMPACT OF RESEARCH PROJECTS ON RELATED POLICYFILES", and Juan Arraiza, Business Manager of the Association, participated in the panel on "MARKET UPTAKE OF INNOVATION STEMMING FROMRESEARCH PROJECTS" as well as in the pannel on "PRACTITIONERS NETWORKS - MEETING PLACE OF POLICY,OPERATIONS AND RESEARCH".
From here, we want to thank the organisation for the opportunity to take part in such an interesting event, at which we did not only met old friends and colleagues, but we also met new people and we learned about very relevant initiatives and projects. As always, the franc and open discussions of the event provided new ideas and food for thought.

More information about the event can be found here

Tools4LEAs June 2022 Demonstration & Evaluation event

Published: 2022-07-05

On June 27th, the Tools4LEAs project held its first Demonstration and Evalution event with the members of the End-User Advisory Board (EUAB) of the project. The event took place in Donostia / San Sebastian (Spain).
During the event, the 3 tools (further) developed during the initial "pilot" phase of the project were presented and demoed to the EUAB members, who then could use and evaluate them.

ILEAnet Final Public Workshop on ILEAnet Achievements and Way Forward - 6-7 April 2022

Published: 2022-02-14

The ILEAnet Final Public Workshop will aim to:
  • Showcase the project results in a dynamic way and explore the question of their sustainability.
  • Further the understanding of the EU Research and Innovation landscape in security.
  • Share and discuss best practice and lessons learned on the use of the Network of Practitioners.

This event is intended for Law Enforcement Agencies, researchers, solution developers and policy makers from across Europe and we sincerely hope you will be able to join us.

More information in the Concept note and in the Safe the date message.

To register for the public workshop click here

EACTDA, the Tools4LEAs project, and the EU Security Research

Published: 2022-02-11

EACTDA and the Tools4LEAs project are a direct consequence and result of the EU Security Research ecosystem. Under the umbrella of the EU H2020 programme, a security research project called ASGARD was where the idea of EACTDA and the Tools4LEAs project was conceived.

The ASGARD project proofed as valid a new way of conducting security research projects, with a large representation of end-users as part of the Consortium, with "short"(er) development cycles, with six-monthly "hackathon" and "capture-the-flag" events at which new tools were presented, demonstrate, and evaluated by the end-user, so that further developments could be done, by delivering results (software solutions) with no license costs to EU public security organisations, ... and with the continuous support of the European Commission and many other relevant stakeholders.

EACTDA and the Tools4LEAs project give continuation to the methodology validated in the ASGARD project, focusing on cybercrime and on the uptake of security research results, so that EU public security practitioner organisations could received fully-tested and operational-ready solutions with no license cost and with access to the source code.

But EACTDA and the Tools4LEAs project cannot succeed without the collaboration and participation of many other relevant public and private organisations. Therefore, it is essential that robust, effective, and efficient collaboration frameworks are established with these key stakeholders. A non-exhaustive list of them includes EC DG HOME, Europol, CEPOL, ECTEG, FREETOOL, i-LEAD, ILEAnet, ...

The journey started this way... but there is still lots of work to do!

"EACTDA - UDeusto Lab"

Published: 2022-01-24

EACTDA is happy to announce that it has signed a collaboration agreement with the University of Deusto, in San Sebastián, Spain. The agreement includes the creation of a Technological Space named "Deusto - EACTDA Lab" that will facilitate trainees to gain experience in the field of technology development that will serve European law enforcement agencies and other public organisations, in their fight against cybercrime.

Through the so-called space, EACTDA offers a frame in which the students can complete their training, and what is more important, acquire real work experience by being part of cutting- edge technology development projects.

The work at the "Deusto - EACTDA Lab" will focus on the development of fully-tested and operational ready software solutions. The trainees will conduct applied research and development activities to ensure that the tools delivered are of the highest quality and appropriate for the needs of its intended end-users.

The agreement has been signed for the next three academic years and it also contemplates the possibility of conducting training activities and the development of informative and educative contents.

This collaboration agreement with UDeusto is the first of a series of agreements with European universities, all of them intended to establish long-lasting collaborative frameworks between the Association and innovative and leading universities.

Project started

Published: 2021-08-11

The Tools4LEAs project officially started in July 2021. The challenge for the upcoming six months will be to setup all the operational bodies, the processes, and the infrastructures, in order to allow organising and conducting a successfull demonstration and evaluation event at the end of this year.

EU logoThis project has received funding from the European Union's ISF Police programme under grant agreement No. 101136295.

Disclaimer:   The content of this website reflects EACTDA's view and the European Commission (or its delegated agency) is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.